
Realising the value of Cloud

Unlock and optimise the potential of your digital delivery value chain with AWS.

Cprime Elabor8 is a leader in business agility. We change the paradigm for cloud adoption to enable enterprises to gain business agility and optimise digital delivery.

Reimagining cloud adoption for business agility

  • We are leaders in cloud adoption, and our technical experts are practitioners with proven and deep industry experience and AWS qualifications
  • We help you embed lean development practices, principles, and methods; opening the door for long term realisation of the value of cloud
  • We uplift the cloud capability in your team, reduce external reliance and provide recommendations for better development processes
  • We work with you to evolve technology architecture to create a future-proof platform architecture purpose designed for your organisation

Realising business value from cloud

Our AWS Accelerators are geared to deliver business value every step of the way. We will work with you to create a pathway that allows you to achieve incremental benefits and enable you to realise more business value in the future.

Letting your team focus on creating business value.


Allow your business to move quickly on new ideas.


Enable you to rapidly change direction and pivot quickly.


Letting you add extra capacity quickly to meet increasing business volume.


Allows your team to bring new features to market by releasing quickly and often.


Create a culture of cloud engineering excellence through repeatable software infrastructure.

Your pathway to Cloud step by step

We collaborate with your teams to uplift their capability and work with existing technology architecture to create a seamless cloud journey.
Cloud Discovery

The Cloud Discovery engagement assesses your current tools and procedures, swiftly developing a customised cloud roadmap. We identify required platform architecture evolution, streamline delivery, and address people and process challenges through collaborative solutions.

Cloud On-ramp

With our Cloud On-ramp offering, we seamlessly establish the landing zone, network connectivity, and vital tools for cloud-native app development, migration, and analytics. Tailored quick reference guides facilitate resource provisioning and expedite project kickstart, empowering self-sufficiency.

Cloud-native Apps

Cloud-native Apps solutions will help your team create a flexible evolutionary architecture and rapidly develop applications. We help you test new business ideas, pivot, iterate, and progress from concept to customer onboarding, accelerating your product’s value.

Cloud Analytics

Cloud Analytics helps your business gain end-to-end visibility across siloed applications and leverage advanced machine learning models for competitive differentiation. We help you harness modern data pipelines and cloud-native analytics platforms to drive business success.

Migrate Apps

Migrate Apps ensures efficient and optimised cloud migration tailored to your needs. Whether seeking incremental value realisation or batch migration, we help you achieve optimal cloud performance on your chosen path.

Modernise Apps

Decompose legacy applications into product-based environments. Align the customer value chain to the application’s portfolio, create a product architecture, and embrace microservices to unlock new possibilities for your business.

Optimise Cloud

Overcome challenges of monitoring, security, cost management, and intelligent automation with our Optimise Cloud offering. We help you optimise your cloud environment after the initial migration.

Hybrid Multi-cloud

Define a Hybrid Multi-cloud strategy with our offering to adopt AWS as part of your cloud journey. Seamlessly consume resources across multiple cloud environments, complementing your existing Azure infrastructure.

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