
Elevate your learning strategy for the Digital Age

In a world undergoing rapid digital transformation, traditional Instructor-Led Training (ILT) is increasingly falling short. Both individuals and organisations must evolve their learning strategies to remain competitive and agile.

The learning needs of our people

As the world is evolving, work gets more challenging and people need and want more from the learning solutions their organisations provide. People want their chosen learning solutions to offer:

  • Access to learning in their preferred styles
  • Access to learning when it’s needed and/or most convenient— potentially outside normal office hours
  • Teaching, coaching, and mentoring from skilled expert instructors
  • Even shorter, bite-sized learning opportunities
  • The time and space to try out new skills in their work context with organisational support
  • Feedback on their practice of new skills to promote continued advancement
  • The means to demonstrate learning through something other than traditional exams

In the following section, we’ll see how these needs and preferences dovetail with the needs of the organisation. But first, let’s expand on a few of them to get a better understanding of why they’re important factors in building the modern learning environment.

Learning styles

People have a range of learning styles, meaning their brains are wired to absorb, retain, and apply learned information and skills differently.

For example, a visual learner can better learn and retain information from pictures, diagrams, and visual aids. Reading a long article or listening to a lecture may not work well for them. On the other hand, that same article or lecture could be the optimal learning opportunity for others who aren’t strong visual thinkers.

Of course, no one is limited to just one learning style, rendering other ways of presenting information valueless. But their natural inclinations and tendencies make particular learning styles most effective for them.

So, we can consider it a learning preference. But it’s a preference organisations do well to support as best they can. Doing so will improve the efficacy of the learning they provide and ultimately boost the return on the investment they’re making in Learning and Development.


A visual learner learns best through visual aids, such as images, videos, graphs, diagrams, etc. This type of learning is most effective for them as they can easily understand and retain information when it is presented in a visual format. Visual learners often prefer to see information rather than just hearing or reading about it.

Examples of teaching techniques that will assist visual learners include:

  • Images, videos, or animations used to break up text or lectures
  • Charts or graphs presenting statistical information
  • Color-coding and icons included in notes
  • Strong metaphors, verbal descriptions, and storytelling to promote visualisation



A kinesthetic learner learns best through hands-on experiences and physical movement. This type of learning is most effective for them, as they can understand and retain information by doing and practising. Kinesthetic learners often prefer to touch, manipulate, or move objects in order to understand them. They may have trouble sitting still for long periods of time and may benefit from incorporating movement into their learning process.

Examples of teaching techniques that help keep kinesthetic learners engaged include:

  • A collaborative whiteboard session or similar activity that gets people out of their seats
  • Encouraging active note-taking (“write this down”) since writing is physical movement
  • Visual aids they can touch and feel
  • Intermittent “stretch breaks” while reviewing information



A solitary learner learns best through independent study and reflection, as opposed to learning in a group setting. This type of learner prefers to work alone and often does their best learning when they have the time and space to think and process information on their own. They may also prefer to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule, without the distractions and interruptions that can sometimes occur in group settings.

Examples of teaching techniques that will be best for solitary learners include:

  • Self-paced e-learning programs
  • Tools for self-assessment and reinforcement
  • Options for voluntary “homework” to reinforce learnings
  • Use of rhetorical questions
  • Opportunities to review in-class materials privately wherever and whenever


A social learner learns best through interaction with other people. This type of learner thrives in group settings, benefits from collaborative learning and discussion, and often enjoys sharing and exchanging ideas with others. They may find learning to be more engaging and meaningful when it is done in a social context.

Examples of teaching techniques that will benefit social learners include:

  • Interactive discussions to enforce written material or augment lectures
  • Group activities and exercises
  • Opportunities to present to the group or lead discussions
  • Discussion-based problem-solving and brainstorming
  • Role-playing exercises



An aural learner learns best through hearing information, as opposed to visual or kinesthetic methods. This type of learner typically absorbs information best through lectures, discussions, or audio aids.

Examples of teaching techniques that aural learners benefit from include:

  • Live or video lectures
  • Audio books or a text-to-speech option for written materials
  • Opportunity to read material aloud in class
  • Interactive discussions to enforce written material
  • Mnemonic devices and rhyming
  • Sound effects that emphasize teaching points



A verbal learner exhibits overlap with both aural and social learners. They learn best through the use of words, both written and spoken. This type of learner typically absorbs information best through lectures, reading, writing, and discussions. They may also have strong language skills, enjoy debating and speaking in public, and find it easy to explain complex ideas using words. Verbal learners
often remember information better when they can put it into words and articulate it to others.

Examples of teaching techniques beneficial to verbal learners include:

  • Interactive discussions to enforce written material or augment lectures
  • Opportunities to present to the group or lead discussions
  • Discussion-based problem-solving and brainstorming
  • Role-playing exercises
  • Opportunities to read material aloud in class
  • Providing a glossary or list of keywords, acronyms, and mnemonic devices


A logical learner learns best through reasoning, analysis, and systematic problem-solving. They prefer a clear and organised approach to learning, and they often enjoy working with ideas and concepts that can be expressed mathematically or logically. They are typically good at recognising patterns and relationships, and they often have a strong aptitude for science, math, and other subjects that require a logical and analytical approach.

Examples of beneficial teaching techniques for logical learners include:

  • Leveraging problem-solving tasks and scenarios to analyse
  • Focusing on statistics and hard facts
  • Requesting analysis of presented information before providing a full explanation
  • Requesting logical conclusions based on evidence provided

The importance of varied learning

The problem: Many traditional training methods focus exclusively or primarily on just one or two modes for learning— lectures and reading materials being the most common—which ensures that only a subset of the learners who go through the program will benefit fully.

The solution: To reiterate, no one falls 100 percent within one of these categories, and most people are adept enough at two or more learning styles to succeed with either. So, a diverse learning approach that incorporates aspects of each learning style will appeal most broadly and offer all students the best chance of success.

Increased engagement

By using a variety of learning methods, educators can keep their learners engaged and motivated. Different learning styles can help to stimulate different parts of the brain and can help to keep learners focused and interested in the material.

Better retention

When learners are engaged and motivated, they are more likely to remember what they have learned. By using a variety of learning methods, educators can help learners to process information in different ways, which can improve their ability to retain that information over time.

Improved accessibility

Varying learning methods can help to make learning more accessible to a wider range of learners, including those with different learning needs or disabilities. For example, visual aids and multimedia presentations can help learners who struggle with auditory processing, while hands-on activities can help learners who struggle with visual processing.

Greater inclusiveness

By using a variety of learning methods, educators can create a more inclusive learning environment, where everyone has the opportunity to learn and succeed, regardless of their preferred method of learning.

The 10-20-70 model

The 10-20-70 model is a learning model that suggests that individuals retain:

We use the 10-20-70 model as a general guideline to illustrate the importance of hands- on, experiential learning in the overall process of acquiring and retaining knowledge.

It suggests that the most effective way to learn and retain information is to combine different methods, such as reading, listening, and practical application. By actively engaging with the material through hands-on experience and practice, individuals can increase their understanding and retention of the information.

The problem: While a well-designed Instructor Led Training (ILT) class should embrace the 10-20-70 model, an ILT class cannot provide enough time for people to truly benefit enough from the 70% experience and practice necessary to retain new skills.

The solution: By employing some mechanism to support active application of new skills immediately after the initial learning sessions are over, learners will have the opportunity to experience and practice the new skills they’ve learned, cementing that vital 70% in their minds, and producing greater value for the organisation.

Recall and repetition

The Ebbinghaus forgetting curve is a concept in psychology that refers to the rate at which individuals forget newly acquired information over time. The curve was first described by German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus in the late 19th century.

The problem: According to the forgetting curve, an individual can expect to forget approximately 70% of new information within 24 hours if they do not actively review and reinforce that information. The curve shows that forgetting begins rapidly and then levels off over time. Of course, the rate of forgetting varies depending on several factors, including the complexity of the information and the individual’s prior knowledge and experiences.

The solution: The Ebbinghaus forgetting curve highlights the importance of active recall and repetition in the learning process, as well as the need for individuals to review and reinforce information regularly in order to retain it over time. It supports the need for people to learn at the right time, so they can quickly review and apply what they’re learning. And to have learning available on demand so they can refresh their knowledge whenever they feel it’s necessary.

Our capacity to understand and
absorb complex information

The sheer volume of information the modern worker needs to absorb and retain to stay up to date with technology and industry trends is staggering. And, as new technologies continually grow in their impact, the complexity of job skills is ever increasing as well.

The problem: A person’s cognitive ability to understand and solve complex problems is challenging. The volume of information given in a training course can be overwhelming. Learners are often concerned about their lack of ability to absorb information and remember it. And, it’s simply not possible or practical to have people “in class” as often as is really necessary.

The solution: “Bite-sized learning” is a learning approach that breaks down complex information into smaller and more easily digestible pieces. This approach makes learning more manageable and accessible to help learners absorb and retain information more effectively.

Bite-sized learning can take many forms, such as short lessons, interactive multimedia presentations, or gamified experiences. The key characteristic of bite-sized learning is that it is easily consumable in a short amount of time, allowing learners to gain new knowledge and skills quickly without feeling overwhelmed.

The modern learning needs of the organisation

As illustrated in the previous section, people’s modern learning needs vary and are influenced by many factors, such as personal interests, career goals, technological advancements, and societal changes.

The learning needs of the organisation are both a cause and effect of these varying needs. Some of the most common modern learning needs organisations must consider include:

  • Digital literacy and technology skills
  • Career development and upskilling
  • Effective communication and collaboration
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving
  • Adaptability and continuous learning
  • Intercultural competence and global awareness
  • Emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills
  • Entrepreneurship and innovation
  • Awareness of challenges people have when learning
  • Transferability of knowledge to other business activities

These skills are in high demand in the rapidly changing job market, and individuals seek new and innovative ways to gain them.

Organisations are under increasing pressure to deliver business results more effectively, maintain the right level of innovation, improve value delivery, increase customer satisfaction, run an exceptional workplace, and contribute towards the social and physical environment.

The engine to achieve these lofty goals is an organisation’s people. To keep up with the pace of change, organisations need to empower their people by increasing their knowledge and capabilities through modern learning solutions. A modern learning solution needs to:

  • Teach the capabilities an organisation’s people need
  • Engage people with learning approaches that meet their accessibility needs and learning styles
  • Be adaptive to the ever-changing needs of the people and organisation
  • Build a mindset of empiricism, customer centricity, innovation and experimentation
  • Provide their people with a visible learning pathway that enables them to know what is available for them to learn
  • Create an environment that satisfies people’s innate desire to learn new skills
  • Encourage a learning culture throughout an organisation
          To keep up with the pace of change, organisations need to empower their people by increasing their knowledge and capabilities through modern learning solutions.

The need for continuous learning

For far too long, the main focus of businesses has been “getting the job done” rather than “doing the job better.” As a result, Learning and Development (L&D) has been treated as more of a cost center than an investment in the future of their staff and a tool to help meet business goals.

The problem: For many people, learning stops when they complete their formal education. They often stop learning as they get older. It’s not that they are incapable of learning, but rather that they have forgotten how to learn. As a result, when a major transformation occurs, or significant upskilling becomes necessary, the gut reaction is fear and people push back. Or, they go into a learning experience with a defeatist attitude.

The solution: “Continuous learning” refers to a lifelong approach to learning, where individuals continuously seek out new knowledge and skills in order to stay current and relevant in their personal and professional lives. When organisations fully support continuous learning for their employees—in other words, establish a learning culture—they will reap the benefits of a more skilled workforce.

Continuous learning is characterized by a growth mindset. It is driven by a desire to stay current and knowledgeable in a rapidly changing world, and to develop skills and knowledge that apply to personal and professional goals.

Continuous learning can take many forms, including formal education, on-the-job training, workshops, online courses, and self-directed study. The key is that it is an ongoing process, rather than a one time event.

Adopting a continuous learning mindset can bring many benefits, including increased job satisfaction, improved career prospects, and greater personal fulfillment. It can also help people to stay current and relevant in a rapidly changing world, and to pursue their personal and professional goals with greater confidence and

The learning culture

In a learning culture, the organisation encourages workers to take ownership of their own learning and development, and provides them with opportunities and resources to grow and expand their skills and knowledge. Several key traits characterize a learning culture, including:

 A learning culture can significantly impact an organisation’s success, as it fosters a culture of innovation and continuous improvement, and helps employees stay current with the latest skills and knowledge required to perform their jobs effectively.

By establishing a learning culture, organisations empower their people to respond to events around them and turn them into learning points. By training for the unknown, they empower their people to respond to events that are unexpected, new and even frightening.

All of this results in the delivery of outstanding products and services that can delight customers.

How Cprime’s Learning Pathways Support the Needs of Both People and Organisations

Based on all we’ve discussed so far, it’s clear that traditional training methods alone are no longer sufficient to meet the needs of people or organisations that want to remain competitive and succeed in the modern marketplace.

Introducing Learning Pathways

After decades of experience working with businesses of all sizes from dozens of industries around the world, Cprime Learning has formalised a process for developing and implementing a program for modern learning, centered on the modern learner.

A three-tiered approach to learning

Each learning pathway takes people through three stages of learning:

Base Camp
An introductory program to build interest and desire to learn about the capability or skill, and to provide a working foundation on which to build.

A program that continues the journey, boosting the learner’s confidence in their new skill and offering greater opportunities to apply what they have learned.

An advanced program incorporating the highest-level skills within the discipline so students can demonstrate mastery and proceed with confidence.

At each stage of the learning pathway, the program will lay out clearly identified learning
objectives for the learner to achieve.

A true blended learning program

To achieve these learning outcomes, the learner will be provided with three different types of learning, each supported by appropriate tools and resources.


The Discover material is primarily learner-led. It encompasses:

  • Reading text material such as books, blogs, or brief articles
  • Watching videos, animations, vlogs and webinars
  • Examining infographics, charts, graphs, etc.
  • Taking eLearning courses with mini knowledge checks incorporated for the learner to self-check their understanding

Discover learning will be incorporated into each stage of a pathway, but will always be available for people to revisit and re-learn at any point in time.


The Practice learning material comprises instructor-led learning classes—in person or live online. The ILT courses include:

  • Lectures with visual and aural aids, as appropriate
  • Q&A and interactive discussions
  • Problem-solving or brainstorming exercises
  • Certification training (see below)

With this mode of learning, pathways can include industry-recognised certification from a range of bodies, as needed within the organisation’s industry, and to satisfy their preferences. But, a certification does not have to be included in the learning objectives if the organisation does not wish to pursue certification, or if there is no certifying body.


The Apply phase is the ‘on the job’ learning, customised to each learner’s unique situation. Learning through doing is the most valuable component of the 10-20-70 model, making it vital to achieving ROI from any learning investment.

The Apply phase might include:

  • Defined tasks, observations, assignments, or activities to complete and report on for validation and feedback
  • Office hours workshops where a trainer or coach elicits feedback or fields questions from learners to understand their challenges in applying the new skills learned and give them further advice and support

In the Apply portion of each stage, the learner will need to complete assignments to show that they understand the skills they have learned and have put them into practice. Once a learner has evidenced that they have achieved the learning outcome and been able to apply their learning, the stage is complete and a digital badge could be issued. 


The Toolkit provides learners with curated content that is available to them throughout and following each stage of the pathway.
The Toolkit is unique to each pathway, but could include:

  • Templates
  • Worksheets
  • Reading material
  • Notes or recordings to review classroom material
  • Other artifacts that have been recommended for use in their learning

How the pathways support all learning style preferences

Since they are designed as a true blended learning program, Learning Pathways incorporate materials and teaching strategies that will appeal to all learning style preferences.

Measuring the success of learning pathways

Knowing what you need to learn, when you have learned it, and when to move on is important to the learner. It also allows the organisation to assess the progress being made through measurable metrics.

Measuring success begins with the definition of learning outcomes for each stage (Base Camp, Intermediate, Advanced). The definition of learning outcomes helps ensure each stage of the pathway includes the correct learning, and enables the learner to understand when they have completed a stage.

To further support flexible and measurable learning, all of this can be powered using Cprime’s Learning Management System (LMS), or configured on the LMS preferred by the organisation. This enables robust reporting on each learner’s progress, and the collection of feedback about each aspect of the program.

In the spirit of continuous improvement and continuous learning, Learning Pathways instructors and program developers will always elicit feedback from learners and organisations to ensure the programs are achieving the desired results and to identify areas for improvement. If they find a particular module or course can benefit from a more diverse selection of teaching techniques or materials, they will be developed.

Current and future domain and capabilities

The Cprime Learning Pathways solution is constantly developing. Currently, two domains—Agile Coaching and Product Management—are fully developed and six more are being developed. Within each domain, one or more capabilities will constitute their own pathway.

Potential use cases
An organsation may choose to upskill an entire team or department in a particular domain—like Data or DevOps—to bring less experienced team members up to speed and allow more experienced members to brush up and serve as mentors to their less experienced teammates. This can promote empathy and collaboration, enhance cross- functional skill sharing, and boost overall performance.

Or, an organisation may choose to dive deep into one particular capability—perhaps Lean Portfolio Management or UX Design—in order to strengthen their current practice or prepare staff for an upcoming transformation. With everyone on the same page, change management will be easier and progress faster.

Future pathways will focus on specific tools, methods, and frameworks—such as Jira, Design Thinking, or SAFe®—that may apply to one or many employees across the organisation.

Built with the entire organisation in mind

The Learning Pathways model might not be necessary for all parts of the organisation involved in the work of an enterprise transformation.

Leaders, depending on their positions, may not be able to commit to a Learning Pathway. However, it is critical to the success of an organisation’s transformative work for the leaders to understand new ways of working, be able to talk to those doing the work from a position of knowledge, and know how to act to enable people. Learning Pathways focused on leadership will provide short, focused learning to enable leaders to support the transformation without having to commit excessive amounts of time.

Also, organisations will have shared services departments—such as HR, Finance, and Sales—that also need to know how people are now working, how they should interact with learners as they apply what they’ve learned, and how they can support these newly skilled individuals and not become a blocker.

There’s a Learning Pathway on the roadmap that will accomplish each of these goals.

Customised to each organisation’s unique needs and goals

The off-the-shelf Learning Pathways may be a perfect fit. However, most organisations will have a need and desire to refine these pathways to best conform to their unique needs and goals.

We couldn’t agree more, which is why we’ve designed the Learning Pathways to be fully customisable.

There are many factors to consider:

  • Have we got the right balance of capabilities for your people? Are some missing, or are some not needed?
  • Have we selected the right skills and learning outcomes you consider necessary for these capabilities?
  • What approach would you like to take for certification, and which frameworks are you using? Or do you not want certification?
  • How would you like to validate the learning your people are applying in their work? Should it be based on the honour system, independently reviewed?
  • Do you have your own LMS and Training Management system that could deliver the Learning Pathways? Or would you like to take advantage of our systems?
  • Do you have specific metrics you would like to measure for your Learning Pathways?
  • Would you like to integrate Continued Professional Development (CPD) units into your learning solutions?

Thoughtful answers to these questions will result in a customised learning pathway that really delivers the value you need!


The ultimate aim is to create a suite of pathways that enable your people to learn:
  • The capabilities they need, 
  • with the right skills,
  • with transparent learning outcomes,
  • in a variety of learning styles,
  • in a bite-sized format,
  • in a timely manner,
  • in a metric-driven trackable format,
  • with a continuous learning mindset,
  • all while supporting the 10-20-70 learning model.
          The off-the-shelf Learning Pathways may be a perfect fit. However, most organisations will have a need and desire to refine these pathways to best conform to their unique needs and goals.

Organisational agility is possible

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