
Posts Written ByCprime Elabor8

We’ve outgrown our Bligh Street address and moved to a larger space atLevel 21, 133 Castlereagh Street, Sydney.  This week saw the opening of our Sydney office within the spectacular building at number 1 Bligh Street. We’re thrilled with the opening as it allows us to better support our clients, but also creates the opportunity to get involved and help grow the Agile community…

Thanks to the team from Tabar for putting on another engaging and memorable event! With three concurrent streams throughout the day focusing on Team, Technical and Management aspects of organisational agility, there was plenty to get involved in. Both Ryan and Andrew from our Agile team delivered a great presentation on where Business Analysts fit into Agile. If you missed…

We’re excited to welcome three deeply experienced practitioners to our principal consulting team. David, Michael and Erwin bring enormous value and capability to our Agile Transformation, Lean, Product and Innovation offerings. David Landry: Principal Consultant. David specialises in Program and Portfolio Frameworks and Program Delivery. He has a long career helping some of Australia’s earliest Agile adopters and has joined to lead our Enterprise Agile…

We’re proud to again be associated with the Agile Australia conference, this year as Gold Sponsors. After having such a great time last year, we decided to increase our support and involvement in the conference. It’s already shaping up to be another memorable event. Learn from international experts on leadership, share your experiences with peers and network with an enthusiastic Agile…

Stay fit on your own terms with Medibank’s new GymBetter app We’re excited to announce a project we are associated with launched earlier this month. The GymBetter app aims to change the way Australians go to the gym by removing the need to enter into long, expensive gym memberships. GymBetter users can now pay as they go, with single-visit passes…

We are excited to have Marcel Van Hove running a private course for the Elabor8 team on the Bikablo Visual Facilitation methodology next Tuesday and Wednesday,  25-26 November out of our office (cnr Bourke and Queen). http://www.marcelvanhove.com/#visualfacilitation The Elabor8ers that have already been on this course rave out about it, saying they found it a great way to learn to facilitate using sketching and…

Elabor8 is thrilled to be sponsoring this Thursdays ICTWomen – Leadership Hacks event. Leadership Hacks is a cross industry think tank event, designed to crowd source ideas to significantly increase the participation of women in senior technology roles. Since our inception in 2009 Elabor8 have been been committed to providing rewarding careers for women in technology. Information Technology has traditionally been a…