While Coles Financial Services was undergoing a period of major transformation, they engaged Elabor8 to support their adoption of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe).
Posts Written ByCprime Elabor8
Better agile ways of working for non-software development teams
The most important question to ask when adopting a new way of working is also one of the most neglected: “is the way we work still working for us?”.
The DevOps tools you need to change behaviour
If you are looking to develop behaviours like collaboration or continuous improvement, these types of DevOps tools may help.
3 Non-design challenges that have been solved by design
We tend to think of design as something visual; a logo or the shape of a chair. But the strategies designers use during the creative process – understanding the people you want to help and designing to suit their needs or solve their problems can be applied in a broader context. Design thinking1 has proved highly effective across numerous industries…
Common mistakes to avoid when you’re ‘doing Agile’
When an organisation makes the decision to go Agile, almost immediately people rush to restructure teams, change people’s job roles and coordinate daily stand-up meetings. However, while these features are important, they should not be the starting point. The first principle of the Agile manifesto is that individuals and interactions are more important than processes and tools. This means the…
Embracing change with agile retailing
Every decision a retailer makes these days, whether it’s about Price, Product, Placement or Promotion revolves around delivering the best possible customer experience to build and retain customer loyalty. The pressure on retailers to deliver these outcomes faster is heightened further by growing competition. In response to mounting pressures, some of Australia’s top retailers have revised their retail strategies to…
Elabor8 advances to Gold Partner in the Scaled Agile Partner Network
Elabor8 is now a Gold Partner within the Scaled Agile Partner Network, enabling us to deliver the network’s highest level of certification to help organisations successfully implement the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe).
How a DevOps culture supports digital business
The speed of new product delivery matters more than ever.
Learn how a DevOps culture can support your innovation and speed to market.
Six strategies to build a design culture
If you spent any time in the lab as a high school student you would have had the scientific method of problem solving drilled into you; come up with a hypothesis, run your experiments, and check your assumptions against the end results. But whether you were experimenting with plant growth, a baking soda volcano or the genetics of the fruit…
Are you doing agile, or being agile?
The shift to agile ways of working is often made with specific goals and improvements in mind. Being more responsive to customer feedback, getting value into the hands of the customer faster and improved work flow are the most common reasons we hear why people want to adopt agile. But what if you’ve made the shift to agile…
The role of speed in innovation: gaining a competitive advantage
We know that successful innovation solves real problems, but in the battle between innovation and speed, which wins in creating a competitive advantage?
Bimodal IT: how to allow for uncertainty in your business
In 1913, it took 12 hours to build a Model T car from start to finish. That is, until Henry Ford, inspired by the production methods he saw in local canneries and mills, introduced the world’s first moving assembly line. Car after car soon rolled off the production line within 2 hours, painted any colour you wanted, as long as…