
Posts Written ByCprime Elabor8

We tend to think of design as something visual; a logo or the shape of a chair. But the strategies designers use during the creative process – understanding the people you want to help and designing to suit their needs or solve their problems can be applied in a broader context. Design thinking1 has proved highly effective across numerous industries…

When an organisation makes the decision to go Agile, almost immediately people rush to restructure teams, change people’s job roles and coordinate daily stand-up meetings. However, while these features are important, they should not be the starting point. The first principle of the Agile manifesto is that individuals and interactions are more important than processes and tools. This means the…

Every decision a retailer makes these days, whether it’s about Price, Product, Placement or Promotion revolves around delivering the best possible customer experience to build and retain customer loyalty. The pressure on retailers to deliver these outcomes faster is heightened further by growing competition. In response to mounting pressures, some of Australia’s top retailers have revised their retail strategies to…