
Navigating Your Atlassian Cloud Migration Journey

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, staying ahead means embracing change. As Atlassian Server support ends on February 15, 2024, it’s time to consider migrating to Atlassian Data Center or Cloud. As an Atlassian Platinum Partner, we’re here to guide you through this transition, ensuring a seamless migration process with our Toolchain Modernisation solutions.


The Elabor8 Approach to Atlassian Cloud Migration

Before embarking on your migration journey, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your current Atlassian Server setup. This involves taking stock of the number of users, the workflows in place, and any customisations that have been made. By understanding your current environment, you can better anticipate potential challenges during the migration process.

It’s important to identify your needs for the new environment. Are there additional features or capabilities that your organisation requires? By pinpointing these needs, you can ensure that the chosen Atlassian Data Center or Cloud solution will be the right fit for your organisation.

Our approach to Atlassian Cloud migration is comprehensive, covering every aspect of the process. Here’s how we ensure a smooth migration journey for your organisation:


Step 1: Assessment & Discovery

Our journey begins with a thorough assessment of your current Atlassian Server environment. Assessing We delve into your data, user accounts, workflows, and customisations, to identifying potential challenges and complexities for resolution.

This also encompasses suggestions for improvements, or additional options to optimise your data set. Migrations present a great opportunity to “refresh” or restart with your usage of the Atlassian platforms. 

This ensures we have a clear understanding of your needs and goals prior to next steps.


Step 2: Data Cleanup

Before we embark on the migration, we’ll help you clean up your data. This involves removing unnecessary fields, duplicate records, and outdated data. By streamlining your data, we ensure a smoother migration process and a cleaner, more efficient system post-migration.


Step 3: Planning

It’s important to make decisions on a migration roadmap, how and when data will be migrated, and what licensing or training might be needed when moving to Cloud or Data Center.

Planning together ensures our collective goals are the same, and we deliver the most optimum outcomes during the migration process.


Step 4: Pre-Migration Preparation

We’ll provide a comprehensive pre-migration checklist to ensure you’re fully prepared for the migration. This includes setting up user accounts in the new system, configuring security settings, creating data backups, and more.


Step 5: Migration Testing

We conduct extensive testing before the actual migration to ensure everything is functioning correctly. This includes verifying user access rights, checking data integrity, and testing the successful implementation of customisations.


Step 6: The Migration Process

Our team will handle the migration process, ensuring all your data is successfully transferred from Atlassian Server to Data Center or Cloud. We’ll use proven migration strategies and tools to minimise downtime and disruption to your business.


Step 7: Post-Migration Testing and Optimisation

After the migration, we’ll conduct further testing to ensure everything is working as expected. We’ll also optimise the new system for performance and efficiency, making any necessary adjustments to ensure your Atlassian tools are running at their best.


Step 8: Ongoing Support

Our support doesn’t end with the migration. We’ll provide ongoing support post-migration, helping your users adapt to the new system and resolving any issues that may arise.



Preparing for Your Atlassian Cloud Migration

Once you have a clear understanding of your current setup and future needs, you can begin planning your migration. This involves setting a migration date, allocating necessary resources, and creating a detailed migration plan. A well-thought-out plan will serve as a roadmap, guiding your organisation through the migration process.

Communication is also key during this preparatory phase. It’s important to keep your team informed about the upcoming migration, explaining what to expect and how the migration will ultimately benefit them. Clear and open communication can help ensure buy-in and cooperation from your team.

Finally, don’t hesitate to seek expert guidance. The process of migrating from Atlassian Server to Data Center or Cloud can be complex, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. By partnering with a qualified partner like Elabor8, you can ensure a smooth and successful migration.


Why Choose Elabor8 for Your Atlassian Cloud Migration?

At Elabor8, we’re more than just a service provider. We’re your strategic partner in digital transformation. Our team of certified experts brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in Atlassian Cloud and Data Center migrations.

We’re committed to ensuring a smooth migration process with minimal disruption to your business.


Start Your Atlassian Cloud Migration Journey Today

Don’t wait until the last minute to start your migration process. Contact us today to begin your Atlassian Cloud migration journey. Let’s work together to secure your data and optimise your Atlassian toolchain for the future.