Here’s the scenario: you’ve finished a huge sprint. The whole team has pushed hard to get it done. Catching up to talk about the past couple of weeks — is the last thing you want to do. But don’t let this opportunity pass you by.
Posts Written ByCprime Elabor8
You either agree on creating business value, or you compete
Businesses are focused on using agile to deliver ‘valuable work’. But unless teams have a shared understanding of how value is measured – delivering real value may be missed in the process.
Leading and living a ‘human-first’ culture
Human-first cultures are more than just about meeting a sense of job satisfaction and offering flexibility between work and personal life.
What your business can learn from the Spotify model
Many organisations aspire to become the next disruptor in their market – and following its public listing on the New York Stock Exchange earlier this year, Swedish music streaming giant Spotify is still trending as a shining example. A large part of Spotify’s success can be attributed to its business operating model, which is based on the Agile Scrum framework. While the company…
Agile is the answer to transformation: but that won’t mean transformation will be simple
Agile comes with big expectations. Let’s look at why we shouldn’t expect transformation to be less complex, simply because we choose to be agile.
Balancing risk and opportunity at MLC Life Insurance
MLC Life Insurance knows a thing or two about the need for a slow, measured approach, which makes the introduction of agile ways of working into its business intelligence division even more remarkable.
LawMaster gets an Agile boost from Elabor8
What do you do if you feel like your agile development practices are becoming stagnant? You seek external council. Find out how LawMaster mastered their development process.
Embedding a lean startup approach to help launch a startup
The major challenge irexchange faced being a startup centred on how to bring their idea to market in an efficient and meaningful way – while also testing the key business hypothesis.
Delivery coaching and strategic portfolio consulting for REA Group
When the time came for REA Group to renovate their online site and adopt Agile methods to accelerate product delivery, Elabor8 was an integral partner.
An integral business analysis and Lean-Agile partner for Open Universities
Adopting Agile and Lean Startup methods meant Open Universities needed to draw on the learnings of key external vendors through a process facilitated by Elabor8.
SEEK: Rapid product development when time to market is of the essence
When the time from idea to delivery felt like an eternity, Seek had a job for Elabor8.
Providing Agile leadership across the WhitePages and YellowPages teams
Elabor8 was instrumental in Sensis’s Agile process adoption and helped establish a trusted relationship between the business and technology teams.