Effective communication is a hallmark of high-performing teams. Remote working requires a new approach to how your team communicates, both day-to-day and at a strategic level.
Looking after the mental health of remote working teams
How can workplaces adapt to the new normal of remote work, while maintaining social connection and looking after the mental health of their people?
Remote and agile? How to best embrace distributed agile
Sustaining effectiveness within your distributed agile team requires the ability to adapt. Focus on these strategies to propel your remote team forward.
Preparing our community for a new future | An open letter
As the spread of Covid-19 continues to impact our country, Elabor8 is committed to the safety and wellbeing of our employees and our local communities.
Five tips for leading through Coronavirus
In a time of unprecedented uncertainty leaders have a critical role in both guiding and supporting their teams and also in managing their business effectively.
The hierarchy of remote working needs
Is your organisation transitioning to remote work? Discover the hierarchy of remote working needs required to enable your team to work effectively remotely.
Personal Kanban — How to save time as an Agile Executive
In a time of unprecedented uncertainty leaders have a critical role in both guiding and supporting their teams and also in managing their business effectively.
Playing it SAFe to thrive in the 21st century
Over the last decade the Scaled Agile Framework, or SAFe, has been evolving. Here’s everything you need to know about SAFe 5.0.
How to approach agile portfolio management
Andrew walks you through how to set up an effective agile portfolio management framework, and fine tune it so that it fits your organisation’s needs.
Delivering speed and transparency for Australian sports software developer
Just one year on our client is enjoying three times faster delivery and three times better forecasting predictability compared to the same time last year.
Managing agile complexity while meeting bureaucratic priorities
Our customer, a key digital division within State Government, was transforming their systems and skills to further embed agile ways of working across multiple projects and teams.
How Netflix transformed boardroom culture: watching the company ‘in the wild’
Netflix disrupted an entire industry. But that’s not the only area where Netflix innovates.