We’re proud to be the Victorian ICT for Women’s newest Gold Corporate Member.
New Agile Talent and Promotions to the Leadership Team
The last 12-18 months have been pretty big for Elabor8, and our team continues to grow.
Erwin van der Koogh speaks at Agile India 2016
We would like to announce that Erwin van der Koogh – Head of the Elabor8 Academy will be giving his “7 Habits of Highly Effective…
From Agile Self Organising Teams towards Considerate-Observant Teams
Some people think Agile’s concept of self-organising teams allows team members to do whatever they want in the belief they’ll eventually self-organise into an effective…
1st Conference 2016
We are excited to announce that we are once again supporting the 1st Conference.
Ben Linders training coming to Australia!
Elabor8 is very excited to announce that Ben Linders will be coming to Australia for the first time in February 2016. He will be running…
A 7-Step Guide to Unlocking the “Intrapreneur”
Innovation within a large organisation is always a challenge. While ideas are often easy to come by, getting organisational traction and delivering an innovative product…
Elabor8’s journey with Gender Diversity and BOLDMoves
Elabor8’s Gender Diversity Challenge & our involvement in Vic ICT for Women #BOLDMoves initiative. Here at Elabor8 we are firm believers in Gender Diversity. Since…
Moving up the BRW FAST100
The last financial year was a very successful and busy one for us. We opened a new office in Sydney where we have now established…
An introduction to leading change with Kotter’s 8-step process
After you’ve implemented a system, how often have you experienced users reverting back to their old ways? When a new piece of software or process…
Elabor8 Gold Sponsors of Vic ICT For Women #BOLDMoves Program
We’re proud to be the Gold Sponsors of Vic ICT for Women #BOLDMoves Program #BOLDMoves is a unique event exploring corporate gender dynamics and Australia’s start-up…
Elabor8 wins ATO RFP
Elabor8 is proud to announce that it has been successful in its response to the Australian Tax Office (ATO) and has been recognised as a…